Billy Blanks Tae Bo - Flex


Intermixes intervals of traditional Tae Bo kickboxing with isometric toning segments. It's designed to burn fat, build lean muscle and improve balance. The isometric routines are truly unique. You'll do eight counts of an aerobic combo and then stop and “hold” that pose for another eight counts (e.g. balanced on one leg with the other extended in a kick position as you contract your abdominals).

It's tough … and it engages multiple muscles while increasing body awareness and control. Throughout, Billy Blanks' improved cuing is clear and specific (e.g. “anchor yourself with your hamstrings and quadriceps…”).

Billy is back, and better than ever! For the millions of fans who have turned Tae Bo into a worldwide fitness revolution, this unique-and uniquely addictive-workout for mind, body, and spirit needs no introduction. The only question was, “When can we get more?” The answer is now, and whether you’re a long-time Tae Bo user, or joining Billy Blanks for the very first time, his brand-new workouts are sure to give you the results you desire.

As a seven-time World Martial Arts Champion, Billy has earned respect for the honesty, as well as the effectiveness, of his Tae Bo workouts. You know it’s not going to be easy. You know it’s going to take hard work. But with its new moves and new music, Tae Bo Flex is Billy’s best yet. As you flex your mind and your will with this aerobic workout, in a way you never have before, you’ll experience a total body change, from the inside out.

You will also hit and hold a stretch pose as the end of your reps, which helps to elongate Tae Bo technique and flow. As a result, you’ll experience endurance, control, flexibility and relaxation as never before, in addition to renewed energy, confidence and motivation. The results will amaze you from your first workout as you lose weight, burn calories and fat, and shape and tone your entire body-in the comfort and privacy of your own home. So try Tae Bo Flex today, because the world’s hottest fitness sensation just got hotter!

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