Billy Blanks Jr. Dance Party Boot Camp Sharon Catherine Blanks


It combines traditional aerobics with varied jazz, rock and gospel moves. This is a true fat-burner; Billy maximizes the intensity with a diverse set of higher-impact moves. You'll begin with dance — jazz steps like "cotton club" and "lollipop." Then, the dance moves stop. From there, it's on to the bootcamp section — a non-stop series of higher-impact cardio favorites. From air jacks and squat jumps to knee lifts and triple steps, your heart rate is guaranteed to stay elevated. The workout ends with "Rejoice," also fast-paced but just a little dancier, with a gospel feel (e.g. a side step with arms reaching out). While Billy's cuing is excellent, his real gift is a contagious passion for movement and dance.

Rev up your workout with the ultimate cardio dance party! Get ready to sweat and have some high-octane fun with Billy Blanks Jr.’s Dance Party Boot Camp. This 30-minute workout will supercharge your calorie burn with a nonstop mix of the hottest dance moves and boot camp conditioning. Billy and his wife Sharon Catherine will show you the steps and challenge your body to the max!

Designed for all ages, shapes and sizes. It’s the best time you’ll ever have losing weight!

WARM UP: Ignite your metabolism with a total-body warm-up that sets your body in motion.

DANCE PARTY BOOT CAMP: Get your sweat on and fire up the burn with a fast-paced dance workout that includes boot camp-inspired jumps, squats, twists and fat-blasting kicks.

COOL DOWN: Gradually lower your heart rate and reward your body with soothing stretches and fluid dance movements.

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