Tracy Anderson: The Pregnancy Project - 9 Fitness DVDs


Each workout is precisely focused on a single month's mental and physical challenges. You're working out right along with Tracy during her own pregnancy — minimizing morning sickness in month 1 and preparing for birth in month 9 (unlike most of Tracy's other videos, this series does have some verbal cuing).

Each program uses proven exercises in different combinations, tempos and positions. They usually begin with standing dumbbell routines and often end with inter/advan-level floorwork (lots of on-all-fours hydrants and leg lifts designed to strengthen your back and lift your buttocks). Each DVD also has a short segment on topics like "dealing with cravings" and "staying sexy."

Requires 3 lb. dumbbells.

Join me as we journey through pregnancy together, keeping our bodies fit and healthy as we prepare to give birth

MONTH 1 This your first month of pregnancy. You’re likely to often feel tired. Together we’ll take it slow, listening to our bodies and finding our center.

MONTH 2 You’re starting to really feel your pregnancy now, and nausea may be an issue. We’ll work on range of motion, stretching and keeping our muscles strong and in proper alignment

MONTH 3 We’ll tone and stretch with a range of arm and leg exercises. Plus we’ll continue to strengthen our abs while this is still a possibility.

MONTH 4 Hurray! You’re now entering your second trimester. Hopefully your nausea is gone. We’ll focus on lifting your butt and keeping your looking healthy.

MONTH 5 It’s month five, and your energy is back. We’ll continue to focus on lifting your butt, while we keep you moving and feeling strong – without overdoing it!

MONTH 6 You’re recognizably pregnant now. We’ll continue to keep you connected to your muscles, allowing your body to do what it needs for the pregnancy.

MONTH 7 You’re entering your third trimester. Your baby has grown a lot. Now we’ll concentrate on preparing our bodies for the birth. We’ll focus on circulation and staying strong and flexible.

MONTH 8 The baby is really growing. We’ll continue to move in order to keep our energy up and stay connected to our bodies, which are starting to feel a little foreign.

MONTH 9 We’re preparing for birth. The goal is to open up your hips. We’ll reduce the complexity of our movements but continue to work on circulation as we wait for our blessings to arrive.

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