Tracy Anderson Method: Post Pregnancy 2 Workout Series


The Post-Pregnancy II DVD program is designed for new mothers who want to begin their workouts (with a doctor’s approval) after giving birth, but do not want to push themselves too hard to get back into shape with traditional workout DVDs. While similar to other Tracy Anderson Method workouts, this post-pregnancy DVD focuses specifically on regaining your abdominal strength and helping the skin on your stomach adhere to your muscles again.

Filmed in real-time just 11 weeks after Tracy gave birth to her daughter, Penelope, this Tracy Anderson Method program is different than any other: For one, it’s very gentle, and designed to effectively help you gradually build strength and stamina as you reconnect with your core. Just as your body released loads of the hormone relaxin to help you expand as your baby grew, you can harness the hormonal surges you’re going to experience post-pregnancy to help you attain and shape your best body ever.


Light hand and ankle weights are suggested, but not needed. We suggest one set of 3lb hand weights, one set of 1-2 pound ankle weights, and one Method Mat.

As you probably know all too well, pregnancy is all about relinquishing control of your body, which (though miraculous!) can be challenging both physically and emotionally. This process doesn’t stop at labor:

In the weeks after childbirth, you will likely feel weak, and very disconnected from your body as your internal organs begin to return to their original locations.

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