Dr. Nevco's Guide To (Complete DVD Collection)


Dr. Nevco's Guide Time to Shape Up on DVD

Demonstrates how a person with coronary disease can improve their health. As part of our cardiovascular series, it is designed to comply with the Joint Commission standards for education of patients and family.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to After the Heart Attack: Cardiovascular Care Today on DVD

Have you or your loved one suffered a heart attack, or possibly have cardio-vascular problem? this program demonstrates how a person with coronary disease can improve their health: series includes living through a heart attack.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Alzgheimer's: A Caregivers Guid on DVD

Join us as we discuss the stages of Alzheimer's and the modifications that can be made in the home to help them.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Alzgheimer's: A Caregivers Guid on DVD

Join us as we discuss the stages of Alzheimer's and the modifications that can be made in the home to help them.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Baby Care on DVD

Knowing how to provide care in an age specific manner is an important part of meeting a loved one's needs. This first DVD covers neonates to infants.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Breast Cancer Prevention: A Mother's Gift on DVD

The key to breast cancer prevention is awareness, education and early detection. This program is part of our women's health series designed to comply with the Joint Commission standards for education of patients and family and was awarded a National Telly Award for Education.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Breathing Better With Copd on DVD

Living with a chronic condition such as COPD need not curtail your lifestyle. Education and information play a vital role in improving quality of life.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Caring for Young Adults to Seniors on DVD

Knowing how to provide care in an age specific manner is an important part of meeting a loved one's needs. This third DVD covers young adults to seniors.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Choosing and Planning Meals for the Person W / Diabetes on DVD

Nutrition is the foundation of your diabetes management. The key to managing this disease begins with understanding the changes necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Daily Exercise for Parkinson's Patients on DVD

Exercise will not stop the progression of Parkinson's Disease, but it will improve balance and can prevent joint stiffening, In this program you will be shown safe and effective ways to exercise your body through the use of strengthening exercises. This program also comes complete with an exercise band to help improve muscle tone and strength.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Day to Day Management W / Copd on DVD

Learn all about COPD and how this vital information can help you live a long and fulfilling life. Provides helpful suggestions for dealing with your daily routines and activities. This program is part of our respiratory series designed to comply with the Joint Commission standards for education of patients and family.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Diabetes: Home Monitoring of Glucose Levels on DVD

Self-monitoring of blood glucose is an important component of routine diabetes care. Monitoring your blood glucose let's you know if your exercise program is effective, if your medication and dosage are right for you and if you have consumed too many carbohydrates. This program demonstrates the procedures for home blood glucose monitoring and emphasizes that this type of blood sugar monitoring may be the single most important way to know how your treatment is working.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Diabetes: What to Do When You Are Sick on DVD

During times of illness it can be particularly difficult to keep blood sugars in control. This program will focus on two specific areas of diabetes self-management; sick days and foot care.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to End Stage Renal Disease and Hemodialysis on DVD

The treatment for end stage renal disease is best accomplished through the three D's... DRUGS, DIET and DIALYSIS. This informative program is intended to make you more comfortable and knowledgeable about your disease by providing you with the latest treatments. An interview with a dialysis patient and a dialysis nurse will give you insight into this condition and help you learn to make it a part of your life.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Generalized Anxiety Disorder on DVD

In this program you will learn the criteria for having a Generalized Anxiety Disorder and the manner in which anxiety can become a pervasive reality in people's lives. We will examine the emerging link between depression and anxiety and some of the limitations that can arise for individuals who struggle daily with this disorder.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Gentle Yoga for Parkinson's on DVD

Faced with an incurable and debilitating illness, Parkinson's patients must relearn how to sit-up, speak clearly, maintain balance while walking, and move from a sitting to standing position. This program is unique in that it covers a wide range of techniques, which are specifically geared to and have been approved for, Parkinson's disease. Each exercise is explained in detail and utilizes safe body mechanics. Exercises are modified for those with varying physical capacities.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Keep the Blood Flowing on DVD

Describes in detail the medications commonly prescribed to heart attack victims and necessary life style adjustments that may accompany them. This program is part of our cardiovascular series designed to comply with the Joint Commission standards for education of patients and family.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Keeping Control: Living With Diabetes on DVD

Diabetes knows no prejudice, it strikes the young and the old. This program is designed to provide insight on what diabetes does to the body and important steps to prevent or decrease the risk of complications: this series includes what is diabetes, choosing & planning meals, monitoring glucose levels at home, and what to do when you are sick.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Kid Care (Toddlers to Teens) on DVD

Knowing how to provide care in an age specific manner is an important part of meeting a loved one's needs. This second DVD covers toddlers to teens.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Living Through the Heart Attack on DVD

This program is part of our cardiovascular series designed to comply with the Joint Commission standards for education of patients and family. This video was awarded a National Telly Award for Education.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder on DVD

Also known as OCD, is one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders. In this program we will explore some of the strange and ritualized behaviors associated with this disorder and the resulting adverse affects, as well as relevant neurological findings unique to OCDS. Join us as healthcare professionals and educators and share some of the current treatment options and challenges that this disorder presents in the home, vocational and clinical environments.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Osteoporosis: What Every Woman Needs to Know on DVD

Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone mass and strength causing susceptibility to fractures. It is the major cause of bone fractures in post-menopausal women and older persons in general. This program is part of our woman's health series to comply with the Joint Commission standards for education of patients and family.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Panic Disorders and Agoraphobia on DVD

Learn how panic disorder can be confused with other medical conditions and explore it's relationship in the development of agoraphobia. In this program we discuss the specific symptoms associated with panic attacks. Through the use of interviews with both professionals and educators in the field, we discuss treatment options and the challenges that these disorders present in home, vocational and clinical environments.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Specific and Social Phobias on DVD

Join us as we explore some of the avoidant and reactive behaviors surrounding phobias and the use of exposure therapy, relaxation and medication in the treatment approach. Through the use of dramatic vignettes we will demonstrate specific social phobias and the varieties of phobias commonly found in the general population.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Stroke Patient: A Comprehensive Guide on DVD

Learn how a stroke effects the mind and body, and the practical approaches you can take to care for language, perceptual, and emotional complications associated with it.
Dr. Nevco's Guide to Swedish Massage Modalities on DVD

This tutorial contains a step by step breakdown of Swedish Massage with a detailed narration of: -Effleurage -Petrissage -Friction -Tapotement Techniques
-Abdominal Massage -Draping Techniques On All Body Parts. -Advice For Oil And Lotion Use. Perfect for massage students, or anyone who wants to learn more about Swedish Massage.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Tai Chi for Parkinson's Patients on DVD

Tai Chi movements, gentle balance, and enhancing motions can assist the Parkinson patient by helping to reduce the gradual loss of balance that accompanies this disease. This video takes you through an exciting workout, using all parts of the body to help your patients learn skills that they can utilize in normal daily activities.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to the Breath of Life: Living With Copd on DVD

Copd stands for chronic pulmonary disease, a group of five lung diseases that
limits the flow of air into your lungs. The series includes: what is copd, breathing better with copd, & day to day management with copd.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to What Is Copd on DVD

COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, a group of 5 lung diseases that limits the flow of air into and out of your lungs. This program is part of our respiratory series designed to comply with the Joint Commission standards for education of patients and family.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to What Is Diabetes? on DVD

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from a defect in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. This program is designed to provide insight on what diabetes does to a person's body, the various types of diabetes, complications associated with this disease and important steps to prevent or decrease the risk of complications.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Women's Health Issues: Breast Cancer AndOsteoporosis on DVD

This program will help women understand the issues of breast cancer and osteoporosis. Nevco explores each issue in depth, to include how to do a self breast exam to the latest findings in osteoporosis.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Yoga for Arthritis on DVD

Those with a variety of arthritis and related conditions can benefit from this video. This yoga based program includes breathing techniques, stretches, strengthening exercises, an aerobic section and total body relaxation. This video has been created for the Arthritis Foundation by yoga and physical therapists. This program is divided into 5 sections: sitting, standing, aerobics, floor, and relaxation, which can be done separately or together.

Dr. Nevco's Guide to Yoga for Ms and Related Conditions on DVD

Anyone with limited mobility such as multiple sclerosis, mild arthritis, seniors and people who have temporary limited mobility issues can benefit from this video.

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