The FIRM: Body Sculpting System 2 - Firm Abs with Nancy Tucker


Lots of variety in three progressively-more-intense ab programs (both classic Firm and Pilates-inspired). You'll use the Fanny Lifter to increase the range of motion and the Sculpting Stick to add intensity. Not many “plain old crunches” here; instead it's a diverse, fast-changing series of ab and back routines (e.g. leg walks alternated with leg presses or reverse curls with your knees at an angle).

Each segment builds on the previous one to boost the intensity (e.g. a simple hip raise in section one becomes a hip raise lifting the Stick in section three). They use a 14 inch Fanny Lifter, or High Step, and a Sculpting Stick — a regular step and a body bar will also work.

3 Workouts In 1! Three Super-Efficient, Ab-Flattening Workout In One! Have you always wanted flat shapely abs? Do you long for that washboard look? Do you find “traditional abdominal workouts boring and ineffective? Have you been struggling with your abdominals and need help? If you answer is yes, you’ve come to the right place—Firm Abs Is The Answer! Introducing the Firm Sculpting Stick, used in this workout to increase intensity and make this workout Tough!

Each of the three abdominal and core-training workouts is unique and designed to be more intense and longer than the previous workout. Each workout includes yoga and Pilates-style core training as well as classic Firm abdominal training moves — everything you need to obtain the abs of your dreams! Start with Day 1; once you’ve mastered the moves in this workout, move to Day 2. And then finally to Day 3 for a intense, advanced abdominal workout.

Master Instructor Nancy Tucker, a driving force at the Firm Studio, will guide you through a series of three separate abdominal and core-training workouts. Each of the three daily workouts contains a variety of abdominal core-training exercise combinations that will tone and define your entire midsection. These workouts can be performed alone or combined with other Firm workouts.

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