Golden Form Tai Chi with Victor ShengLong Fu


Golden Form Tai Chi Grandmaster Victor Fu offers a revolutionary approach to learning authentic Tai Chi, emphasizing special stepping, paced respiration, corrective posture, and ever-deepening relaxation. Scores of clinical studies prove Tai Chi can treat or prevent an extensive range of health problems. Warm-up Exercises Gentle, stretching of the waist & hips builds balance, increases mobility and rejuvenates the whole body.

It also manipulates the spine & massages the internal organs which, in turn, boosts the immune system. Tai Chi Instructional This easy-to-follow instructional will teach you to relax, move gracefully, and fix every part of your body. The use of strength is forbidden, which makes the continuous, flowing movements soothe away tension and fortify both physical & mental health. Question: Do I have to learn martial arts? Answer: No, but you get to reap the rewards borrowed from martial arts. While it's true that Tai Chi developed as a martial art in China, its application to modern healthcare is invaluable. This system developed over thousands of years to cultivate human health to the highest levels.Includes a very informative booklet on Tai Chi principles.

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