Metabolic Strength Vol. 1 & 2 with Tracie Long Fitness Studio


The Studios Series was created for our "long" distance workout partners who can't make it to our studio each week but would love more frequent workouts on DVD! By filming workouts right here in our Charleston studio we believe we can produce DVDs frequently which means new workouts for you more often!

Metabolic Strength offers 2 30-minute high intensity workouts using your own body weight, dumbbells & a few other common tools to get the job done even during your busiest days.

Coming on Strong - Lose body fat, gain bone strength & get stronger with this no-nonsense total body weight workout. Tracie Long delivers a high intensity sweat-fest that leaves everything on the mat! Your youth is in your muscles and this workout is the fountain!

Get Up & Go - The real key to getting physical changes when it comes to cardio is the intensity. Do away with old beliefs that longer duration cardio is better! This dynamic workout starts at the warmup and is chock full of dynamic movements designed to bring on the heat and get some fire in your belly. Extra inner drive.

Required Equipment: step or bench, medium & heavy pairs of dumbbells, mat, loop band (optional).

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