Pilates Band Workout with Lucy Knight


Presented by: Lucy Knight - IIST Health & Fitness, OCR Pilates & BSY Yoga. Lucy has a broad portfolio of health and fitness qualifications including stability ball, Pilates and Massage and of course, is a fully qualified fitness instructor.

"Streamline Your Shape!" - You will be amazed by how quickly your body responds to this workout!

By incorporating a resistance band into a Pilates workout, you will achieve fantastic results making your body firmed and toned. This new workout from health and fitness professional Lucy Knight is based on the principles of Joseph Pilates with the additional challenge of using a band for resistance.

Devised with a choice of levels to suit the beginner through to the more experienced, this program will take you through toning exercises for the upper body and floorwork exercises, which are based on both matwork and reformer Pilates techniques. These exercises will enable you to improve your posture and streamline your body shape by achieving longer, leaner muscles.

Whatever your level of ability, you will find this workout challenging, fun and extremely effective.


Warm Up & Preparation
Upper Body Exercises
Floor Work Exercises

By incorporating a resistance band into a Pilates workout, you will achieve fantastic results making your body firmed and toned. This new workout from Lucy Knight, a health and fitness professional, is based on the principles of Joseph Pilates with the additional challenge of using a band for resistance. This program will take you through toning exercises for the upper body and floorwork exercises, which are based on both matwork and reformer Pilates techniques. These exercises will enable you to improve your posture and streamline your body shape by achieving longer, leaner muscles. This program has been devised with a choice of levels to suit the beginner through to the more experienced. Whatever your level of ability, you will find this workout challenging, fun, and extremely effective. “Practiced regularly, you will be amazed by the results!”

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