Shrink Belly Fat with Denise Austin


Three workouts — each one works your abs in a different way. It's a balanced set of rotation, stabilization, extension and traditional core-training exercises. Used together, this is a comprehensive and effective tummy-trimming system. The standing program targets your abs from every direction with moves like knee raises and torso-twisting punches (you'll also do one minute of jump-squats, but that's the only “cardio” in this DVD). The next segment features athlete-type exercises ranging from planks to kettlebell-style “Turkish Get-Ups (using a dumbbell).

The final series is “classic abs” — proven floor routines like bicycles, curls and crunches. As always, Denise is energetic and motivating.

Requires 3 to 5 lb. dumbbells. ©2011.

Flatten you belly and tone a slim, sexy waistline with Denise Austin’s incredible ab-blasting program, Shrink Belly Fat.

All three belly fat-burning workouts use different methods to strategically target the core by working every midsection muscle from all possible angles. Each fun and fresh 15-minute workout zaps stubborn belly fat to reveal a tighter, trimmer tummy. Stick with it and you can have leaner abs in no time!

CARDIO ABS: Blast belly fat and burn mega calories with ab-sculpting circuits like heart-pounding squat jacks that get you off the floor to tone the core.

ATHLETIC ABS: Banish the bulge with challenging total-body moves like walking planks and sidearm holds that combine strength and coordination to tighten your tummy.

CLASSIC ABS: Firm your middle with fine-tuned favorites that isolate the upper and lower abs, the obliques and the back for a complete core makeover.

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