30 Minutes to Fitness: Total Body Kickbox Kelly Coffey-Meyer


One workout is traditional fat-burning cardio; the other adds a toning benefit with dumbbells. Both programs are exceptionally well-cued and well-structured. The first workout is fast-paced and exceptionally diverse (with lots of multi-plane and multi-directional movements). Kelly Coffey combines familiar kickbox classics with innovative variations like “body shot/high elbow” and “double jab/slip.” The second workout is a little slower and more “controlled.” Kelly utilizes dumbbells throughout the workout — they tone your muscles while also increasing the aerobic intensity. Kelly starts with the basics, then adds-on the slightly more complex combos (often sculpting your upper and lower body at the same time).

Requires 1 to 5 lb. dumbbells. ©2013.

30-Minutes to Fitness Total Body Kickbox will help you get leaner, fitter and stronger in less time.

WORKOUT ONE: a traditional kickboxing workout that has a smooth, upbeat an easy-to-follow format. You’ll burn maximum calories and trim your arms, legs and hips with punches, kicks and combinations of each.

WORKOUT TWO: utilizes light weight dumbbells in a slower and more controlled format. This kickboxing workout is designed to sculpt the entire body safely and efficiently. The addition of weights increases the overall intensity and effectiveness of the workout, leaving you feeling empowered.

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