Cathe Friedrich's Ab Circuits DVD


Six challenging ab workouts -- from 15 to 20 minutes each. Each program features different exercises and different workout styles. The moves range from straight-forward crunches, curls and Pilates exercises to stability and medicine ball routines. As always, Cathe's form is flawless and her cuing is superb. Note: the last part of the medicine ball workout is done with a partner. Requires a medicine ball and a stability ball. One workout uses ankle and wrist weights. ©2008.

STS is a total body strength training program that gives you a different workout every day for over three months. STS is based on the latest scientific principles and training techniques including periodization, muscle confusion and one rep max. STS is just like having your own personal trainer.

Ab circuits contains the following seven ab routines: Yoga-Inspired Abs, Pilates-Inspired Abs, Weights – and –Plates Abs, Stability-Ball Abs, No-Equipment Abs, Medicine-Ball Abs, and Medicine-Ball with a Partner Abs.

Ab Circuits is designed to specifically coincide with the STS shock training program. Expect to ‘shock’ your entire core/abdominal region with the following various workout programs: yoga-based abs, pilates-based abs, weight – and- plate abs, stability-ball abs, medicine-ball abs, and even partner-training abs (although this one is an added option). You’ll love the varied balance and strength challenges each workout provides. The best part of all is that there is something for everyone as well as everything for someone. For best results, do two or three different workouts per week. Enjoy them after your STS workouts or simply on their own. Either way, the results are yours!

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