Crunchless Abs: Volumes 1, 2 & 3 on 1-DVD Tracy Mallet & Linda L


Welcome to Crunchless Abs!
You'll begin with an introduction where Linda will guide you through the principles behind Crunchless Abs, making sure you get the most out of your workout to create beautifully sculpted, flat abs.

Crunchless Abs: Fitness instructor Tracy Mallet leads you through a 10 minute ab workout. Best of all, you won't do any crunches! Let Crunchless Abs show you how to transform your abs for a long, lean body.

Crunchless Abs 2: Grab your towel! That's right! All you need to sculpt truly beautiful abs in this workout is a towel! This 10 minute ab workout will leave you feeling firm and tight. It's just that easy!

Crunchless Abs 3: Continue with Tracy as she shows you specially designed movements to create strong. beautiful abs. You can even pick the intensity to workout at the level that's right for you!

Crunchless Abs was created by Linda LaRue. After testing her methods with numerous clients, she created these exercise routines and choreography designed to deliver amazing results!

Linda LaRue, is a Registered Nurse and Athletic Trainer with a Master's Degree In Exercise Physiology and Sports Medicine. Linda has been a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor in the field of land based and aquatic exercise, rehabilitation, and post-rehabilitation for over 20 years. She has consulted with some of the top fitness and sports professionals in the athletic, health, and fitness industries.

Surfers, dancers, body builders, and athletes for the most part have washboard abs or slender lean waistlines, but what about the rest of us? Can we get them too?

Well, according to fitness trainer and certified nurse Linda LaRue, who is also the developer of the Crunchless Abs system, we can get our abs flat and toned without doing a single crunch. She suggests that by doing this workout for about ten minutes a day, or more if you like, you can get your waistline into tip top shape using her DVD based workouts. The Crunchless Abs system consists of six different workouts. Crunchless Abs starts you out with Crunchless Abs 1, and then you move onto Crunchless Abs 2 and 3 to build on that workout. But as you increase your core strength, you can continue to get abs flat by using Crunchless Abs 4, while the included Total Body Sculpting and Cardio Core Sculpting workouts provide a more targeted getting abs flat workout. So what exercises are included in this abs flat workout? According to LaRue, she’s included exercises that go beyond crunches in terms of the areas toned and strengthened. Her site notes that standard crunches just work two muscle groups, while Crunchless Abs works twelve different muscle groups throughout the core and lower back. This means that while the core gets a tummy tightening workout, the lower back muscles gain strength too, creating a corset like result, pulling the core in tighter.

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